We believe that the Bible, contained in the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, living, and all-sufficient Word of God. By the sovereign power of the Holy Spirit, God’s Word is the primary means by which the elect are united to the risen Christ and thereafter, in Him, nourished unto eternal life. The Bible alone is the sole rule for our faith and practice. What we believe about the Bible, however, is contained in the subordinate standards of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms (1646). These documents, though not infallible, are a sound and reliable interpretation of biblical doctrine and a faithful expression of the historic Christian faith. In addition, we believe and confess the following Creeds: Apostles’, Nicene, Chalcedonian, and Athanasian.
Being Creedal & Confessional means that we are not trying to reinvent Christian teaching. Rather, we believe that God’s truth has always been God’s truth for all peoples in all ages. While there have been periods, movements, and individuals where the teaching has not been biblical, we believe that on the whole the orthodox Creeds and Reformed Confessions have been duly tested to be an accurate summary of God’s Word. That means that these are the truths that we seek to minister to our people. We do not merely use them as boundaries but we positively use them to build up a people for Christ.