
Pastor Jason Averill

Jason grew up in Tulsa, OK. In his early life, he attended Union schools, and was active in starting and maintaining many student organizations in high school. Early in life, Jason was an avowed atheist, but the Lord laid hold of his life in a powerful way when he was 26 (ask him about his unique story of becoming a Christian!). Several years later, feeling the call of God leading him into ministry, Jason attended Oklahoma Wesleyan University, and subsequently graduated with his B.S. in Biblical and Theological Studies in 2012. That same year, Jason came on staff at RiverOaks Presbyterian Church in Tulsa as the Church Administrator. Over the next 8 years, Jason worked in full time ministry while pursuing his Master of Divinity through LAMP Seminary. He was ultimately ordained March 15, 2020.

August 1, 2020, Jason was brought on board as Assistant Pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church in Stillwater. During his time in Stillwater, he helped establish a vibrant gospel community, paving the way  for church growth. July 30, 2023, Pastor Jason was installed as the Pastor here at First Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Jason has been married to his lovely wife, Esther, since 2009, and they have two beautiful children named Mykah and Jacob. They enjoy reading, super hero movies, detective shows, and hiking. Jason enjoys cooking (his favorite cuisine is Asian in general and Indian in particular), and his other interests include solving puzzles of all kinds, learning to play the guitar, reading theology tomes, strategic video games, and researching just about everything.